Brazilian 18K Gold Filled Jewelry. Water and Tarnish Resistant, Hypoallergenic Jewelry.

Chamorro Village Guam: Top Attractions & Velani Jewelry

Discover Chamorro Village Guam: Top Attractions & Must-Visit Night Market

Chamorro Village Guam is a cultural hotspot near Hagatna Marina. Visitors can enjoy local food, traditional crafts, and lively performances. The Wednesday Night Market at Chamorro Village Guam is a highlight, showcasing the best of Guam’s culture.

Key Takeaways

  • Chamorro Village is a cultural hub in Guam, offering traditional activities, local crafts, and vibrant Spanish-influenced architecture.

  • The Wednesday Night Market at Chamorro Village is a must-visit for its lively atmosphere, diverse food options, and unique arts and crafts stalls.

  • Supporting local businesses by shopping at Chamorro Village not only boosts the economy but also helps preserve Guam’s vibrant culture and traditions.

1 Chamorro Village: A Cultural Hub

Illustration of Chamorro Village on Guam

Nestled near the serene waters of Hagatna Marina and the historical landmarks of Skinner Plaza and the Guam Museum, Chamorro Village serves as a cultural nucleus on this picturesque island. It’s a place where you can:

  • Hop on a gentle carabao for a ride

  • Immerse yourself in an array of cultural activities that give you a glimpse into the island’s rich traditions

  • Explore the bustling market center

All of this is just steps away from the village.

As you meander through the village, you’ll come across a blacksmith forging traditional Chamorro tools, a testament to the local craftsmanship that has been passed down through generations. The market is a cornucopia of local artisans’ pride, displaying jewelry and vibrant art pieces that vividly reflect the island’s culture.

The Spanish-influenced architecture, leading to a central court where spontaneous dance performances ignite the spirit of the community, further accentuates the unique blend of cultural influences that have shaped Guam.

The Wednesday Night Market Experience

Illustration of the Wednesday Night Market at Chamorro Village

As the sun sets on a Wednesday evening, the heart of Chamorro Village starts to pulsate with a liveliness that’s contagious. The Wednesday Night Market transforms the village into an enthralling hub of activity where vendors of all sorts come to life under the soft glow of market lights.

From the aroma of barbecue wafting through the air to the vibrant atmosphere set against a backdrop of historic Spanish architecture, the Wednesday Night Market is an immersive experience that’s not to be missed.

Food Trucks & Local Cuisine

Illustration of food trucks offering local delicacies at the Wednesday Night Market

The Wednesday Night Market is a paradise for foodies, where a symphony of flavors awaits at every corner. Guam’s food trucks are a culinary adventure, offering everything from mouthwatering local dishes to international cuisine that brings the world to your plate. As you roam the streets, let the scent of barbecue guide you to a feast of local favorites, where the taste of succulent chicken and traditional Chamorro dishes promises to satisfy your cravings.

Venturing further, you’ll discover street vendors eager to share their culinary secrets, offering you a chance to eat like a local. The taste of Guam is vivid in every bite, whether it’s the spicy kick of a kelaguen or the comforting embrace of a red rice dinner. Embrace the opportunity to indulge in a culinary journey that’s as rich in flavors as it is in cultural significance.

And of course, no night market adventure would be complete without the shared experience of dining under the stars. The food trucks become gathering spots for both locals and visitors, creating a communal atmosphere where stories are exchanged over plates of delicious food. It’s a place to not just eat, but to connect and savor the essence of the island’s vibrant street food scene.

Arts and Crafts Stalls

Illustration of arts and crafts stalls at Chamorro Village

If you find yourself drawn to the allure of handcrafted goods, the arts and crafts stalls of the Wednesday Night Market will be your haven. Here, master woodworkers transform the durable ifil tree into stunning works of art and functional pieces, each telling its own story of Guam’s heritage. Notice the intricate designs carved from the tronkon ifit tree, a proud symbol of the island’s resilience and beauty.

As you walk through the market, you’ll stumble upon a vibrant array of traditional artwork. Paintings and photographs capture the scenic splendor of Guam, offering glimpses into its lush landscapes and rich history. Jewelry stalls present their own form of artistry with the unique crescent-shaped sinahi necklaces, a striking representation of local craftsmanship that adds a touch of island elegance to any outfit.

It’s not just about noticing the items on display; it’s about appreciating the traditions they uphold and the stories they tell. Engaging with the artisans, you’ll gain insights into the creative process and the cultural significance behind each piece. These stalls are more than just places to shop; they’re galleries of living traditions where you can witness the artistic pulse of Guam.

Clothing Items and Souvenirs

Illustration of locally designed clothing items and souvenirs at Chamorro Village

The search for the perfect keepsake leads many to the variety of clothing items and souvenirs that Chamorro Village proudly offers. Locally designed and printed, these pieces are more than just garments; they’re wearable expressions of Guam’s vibrant culture. The unique designs and patterns that adorn t-shirts, dresses, and other apparel reflect a deep connection to the island’s spirit and traditions.

As you browse the shops, you’ll find yourself on a mission to find that special item that not only serves as a memento of your travels but also tells a story of the place you’ve visited. From the bold statements on a t-shirt to the subtle weaves of a traditional dress, each piece of clothing carries the essence of Guam’s identity.

And let’s not forget the array of crafts and souvenirs that beckon to be taken home as gifts. Whether it’s a piece of jewelry that captures the island’s allure or a handmade candy that sweetens your memories, these items are tangible reminders of the unique experiences that can only be found at Chamorro Village. Each purchase not only serves as a keepsake but also contributes to sustaining the local businesses that are the heartbeat of this community.

Velani Jewelry at Chamorro Night Market


Velani Jewelry stands as a shining example of Guam’s exceptional craftsmanship, nestled within the lively Chamorro Night Market. Here, you’ll find handcrafted treasures that are as beautiful as they are meaningful, each piece meticulously designed to embody the spirit of the island. Whether you’re drawn to the hypoallergenic and water-resistant qualities for everyday wear or the allure of 18K gold-filled pieces inspired by Brazilian creativity, Velani Jewelry offers something for every taste

Their collection is a testament to tradition meeting modern style, with a variety of pendants, bracelets, rings, and earrings that celebrate the unique blend of life on Guam. The focus of Velani Jewelry is not just on aesthetics but also on reflecting the rich culture and integrity of their brand through each exquisite item. It’s the kind of place where you’re not just buying a piece of jewelry; you’re taking home a fragment of Guam’s heart.

And the experience is elevated by the exceptional customer service that has left many singing praises. The artisans at Velani Jewelry are not only creators but also storytellers, ready to share the inspiration behind their waterproof, tarnish-resistant, and hypoallergenic creations. It’s an inviting atmosphere where you can explore at your leisure and leave with a treasure that holds the essence of Guam.

Live Music and Entertainment

The rhythm of Chamorro Village is set by the beats of live music and the grace of dance performances that fill the air with island spirit. As you stroll through the night market, local bands serenade visitors with traditional Chamorro music, creating a soundtrack that resonates with the soul of Guam. The spontaneous street performances by talented local artists add an element of surprise and delight to the evening, inviting you to pause and enjoy the show.

The central court of Chamorro Village becomes a stage, showcasing the fluid movements of traditional and contemporary Chamorro dances performed by local dance groups. It’s a place where people of all ages come together to dance the night away, sharing in the joy and community that music and dance cultivate. These performances are more than just entertainment; they’re a vibrant display of Guam’s rich heritage and the pride of its people.

Keep an eye on the schedule for any special events or performances that might be taking place, as they are an integral part of the night market experience. The cultural shows are a mesmerizing blend of storytelling and artistry, painting a vivid picture of the island’s past and present. Taking time to soak in the live performances and cultural showcases is a must-do for any visitor looking to fully immerse themselves in the essence of Guam.

Supporting Local Businesses

Venturing into Chamorro Village is more than just an excursion; it’s an opportunity to engage with and support the local community. Each purchase from the food trucks, arts and crafts stalls, and clothing shops contributes to enhancing the economic well-being of Guam’s local businesses. By promoting local workforce hiring, visitors play a role in job creation and maintain the vibrant spirit of the island’s economy.

The sense of community in Chamorro Village is palpable, and buying local strengthens these bonds, fostering a supportive environment where small businesses thrive. The market is a proud promoter of ‘Made on Guam’ products, ensuring that the local small businesses and the artisans behind them receive the recognition they deserve. Often, buyers can purchase items directly from the craftsmen and women who poured their hearts into creating them, adding a personal touch to each transaction.

In essence, supporting local businesses at Chamorro Village is a gesture that goes beyond mere commerce; it’s a celebration of the island’s culture and a testament to the locals’ resilience and creativity. It’s a must-do for anyone who wishes to experience the true spirit of Guam and leave a positive impact on its community.

Tips for Visiting Chamorro Village

Planning a trip to Chamorro Village? Here are some insider tips to ensure you have the best experience possible.

First and foremost, check the weather forecast and dress appropriately for the tropical climate. Arriving early is also key; it allows you to find parking with ease and beat the crowds to the best the market has to offer.

Comfort is crucial, so wear shoes that won’t hold you back as you explore the myriad of stalls and activities. While many vendors sell their products and have embraced modern payment methods, it’s wise to bring cash just in case, as some might not accept credit cards.

Don’t rush to make purchases; visit different stalls to compare prices and find the best deals. Remember to respect the local culture and traditions that you’ll encounter throughout your visit.

Keep an eye on your belongings to prevent any unwanted surprises, and stay hydrated to keep up with the warm weather – fresh fruit juices are a delightful way to quench your thirst.

With these tips in mind, you’re set for a memorable visit to Chamorro Village.


Chamorro Village is not just a destination; it’s a vibrant celebration of Guam’s culture. From the artisan crafts that tell the island’s story to the delicious local cuisine that tantalizes your taste buds, every aspect of the village invites you to dive deeper into the island’s traditions. Live music and dance infuse the night market with energy, while the support for local businesses strengthens the fabric of the community. With these memories etched in your heart, Chamorro Village is sure to leave a lasting impression as the cultural heartbeat of Guam.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Velani Jewelry located within Chamorro Village?

You can find Velani Jewelry at the Chamorro Night Market Hut, right in the middle of Chamorro Village. It's a great spot to check out some beautiful jewelry!

Can I share my location with friends and family while visiting Chamorro Village?

Yes, you can easily share your real-time location with friends and family using the Google Maps app, making it convenient to meet up or keep loved ones informed about your whereabouts.

What are some of the materials used in Velani Jewelry's collection?

Velani Jewelry's collection includes premium materials like 18K gold, known for being waterproof, tarnish-resistant, and hypoallergenic. Ideal for daily wear!

What is the focus of Velani Jewelry's collection?

Velani Jewelry's collection focuses on celebrating the unique blend of life, culture, tradition, and modern style that defines Guam. It captures the essence of Guam in its designs.

What shipping policy does Velani Jewelry offer for Guam residents?

Guam residents can enjoy free local shipping on all online orders from Velani Jewelry, which makes it convenient to purchase their exquisite pieces.



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